Monday, 20 May 2013

Experiment 3: Cryengine Valley

The valley I have tried to produce, was inspired from a few pictures I took in Yun Fu, China.

A water fall will be installed later.

Country side of Yun Fu, China.

A mining site in Yun Fu, China

Experiment 3: Room & Space layout (draft)

The picture on the left is a sectioinal plan of where I want my rooms to be layouted. I want the students and public to view the gallery first showing the works of students. Studio and Library are the heart of the academy.
In my opinion, I would want my students to be in the studio the majority of their school life, because that's where they will form friendship, learn to help each other, constantly in contact with other people and ofcourse doing most of their major assessments. Library will be linked to the workshop, computer lab and studio for easy access.

Take a quote from my tutor, ' Teachers go to staff rooms to get away from their students'. With this in mind I have put the staff rooms for both teachers and academic students on the bottom of the valley.

Sketch up model of section, yellow is the travelling paths.
First rotating rooms idea.

The picture on the right is a more of a fantasy academy, where there is a invisible gravitational rotating beam, that rotates all the rooms. Kind of like when you have dinner at the 'Centre Point'. Some rooms will be rotating around other rooms , for example; the meeting rooms will be rotating around the library that is rotating around the beam. ( A better image will be put up later).

This was inspired from watching an anime movie called 'Summer Wars'

From the movie 'Summer Wars'
Rotational rooms from the movie 'Summer Wars'

Experiment 3: One Point Perpective

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Experiment 2: Cryengine uploaded onto Cryengine

Experiment 2: 3d warehouse submission

Here is a link to the 3dwarehouse site of my sketchup model


Experiment 2: applying the texture

Experiment 2: ramp details

The ramp detail was influenced when I was in the week 7 lecture. From Erika Kruger's' Book 2', she designed this tomb like hallway for the vampire. Which inspired me to do this design, since the ramp being partially underground i can tried to make a cave like structure, where it also could fit lights.

You could say it is almost like street lights, making it safer for the clients and audiences to walk on at night.

ramp almost canter levering onto the stream.

1st person view on ramp.

From 'Book 2'- Erika Kruger

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Experiment 2: Textures from light - dark & chosen Textures

Experiment 2: Progress

Environment progress

Stream added

Stream & Waterfall

Experiment 2: landscape inspiration

rock sides by water.

forest with water stream
Falling Water- Frank Llyod Wright

These are some ideas for myself, to aim for. Since i want part of my canter levering on to the water.

Lets go allnighters!!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Experiment 2: circulation between the 2 monuments

There would be 2 paths, running along the sides of both monument. 

Path 1 would be on the top level, of Weiss/Manfredi's monument( on the left), a set of stairs with platforms that are around 5m in width.

Path 2 a ramp from the bottom level of Weiss/ Manfredi, leading you to the edge of the water and rocksides. with stairs leading you to the back side of ' Chernikhov's monument.
path 1

path 2